The major issues related to organizational commitment are increasingly needed, especially on the organizational commitment of teachers in order to make the education quality better in this era of g…
This research aims to find ways to increase teacher creativity in state middle schools in Region II East Jakarta by strengthening the principal's visionary leadership variables, self-efficacy, orga…
The aim of this research is to identify and fortify the variables of Organizational Culture and Visionary Leadership as a means to enhance innovation and accomplish organizational objectives. This …
This research is motivated by the idea that increasing the innovativeness of local government employees is needed to be able to produce innovations in governance and services to the community in th…
This research is motivated by the idea that the motivation of local government employees is needed to be able to produce service performance to the community in the context of bureaucratic reform t…
Teacher performance is the level of success of a teacher in carry out their job duties that are supported by individual abilities and skills so as to facilitate the achievement of organizational go…
In the world of education, teachers have a very large and important role in teaching and learning activities because teachers are educators who are directly related to students, so teachers are req…
This study aims to determine the efforts that can be made to improve teacher performance through strengthening organizational culture, emotional intelligence, and compensation for PAUD teachers, es…
This study aims to determine the influence of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction with Commitment to the Organization. The sample chosen was 212 people with the…
This research aims to determine the relationship between organizational culture; transformational leadership and job satisfaction with the commitment to the organization. The selected samples were …
This study aims at identifying the effect of Entrepreneurship, Organizational Culture and Emotional Intelligence to Organizational Commitment of Senior High Vocational Schools when tested both indi…
This research will be divided into three factors that are assumed to have a significant relationship with teacher performance that is; work motivation, personality, and organizational culture. To p…
The objectives of this research are to examine the relationship of organizational culture, transformational leadership, and the effectiveness of total quality management with teachers job satisfact…
The aim of this study is to examine the influence of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership and Personality to Performance of Teachers at Public Junior High Vocational Schools either w…
The effect of principals' leadership behavior, organizational culture, and teachers' job satisfaction on organizational commitment of junior high school teachers. (Descriptive Analysis Study on jun…
This research aim is to find the effort to improve the innovation of teachers through the identification of the strength of the relationship between Professional Commitment, Teamwork, and Organizat…
Teacher creativity in the learning process is actions that are deliberately taken by teachers to develop, convey and use new or different ideas from before in carrying out interactive, interesting …
The goal of this research is to uncover ways to improve organizational commitment in East Jakarta State Senior High Schools by examining organizational culture, learning organization, and personali…
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of teachers plays an important role in education management. This study aims to obtain precise efforts in improving teacher OCB. The study used the HR POP …
he purpose of this research is to produce ways and strategies to increase teacher job satisfaction through the identification of the strengths of the relationship between situational leadership, or…
This study aims to analyze to increase creativity through efforts to see the influence of organizational culture, interpersonal communication, teacher personality, and work ability of the teachers …
Education plays an essential role in efforts to develop human resources. Improving the quality of human resources through the development of other fields is based on the success of e…
Teacher performance is an important element related to the achievement of educational goals. If the teacher’s performance is high then learning goes well and students get maximum learning. Prelim…
Commitment to the organization is influenced by various factors, including organizational culture, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence. This study aims to determine the strength of the relati…