Disertasi MP
Peningkatan Kreativitas Guru Melalui Penguatan Budaya Organisasi, Komunikasi Interpersonal, Kepribadian, dan Kemampuan Kerja: penelitian analisis jalur dan analisis SITOREM pada guru PNS SMPN se-Jakarta Barat (Improving Teacher Creativity Through Strengthening Organizational Culture, Interpersonal Communication, Personality And Work Abilities In Jakarta)
Creativity is needed in order to improve the quality of education because creativity is the soul of the development or change and progress of a nation. Education in schools should emphasize efforts to develop creativity, by providing opportunities for the creation ofa learning climate that supports the achievement of these goals. This study aims to find ways and strategies to increase creativity through an effort to see the influence of organizational culture, interpersonal communication, personality, and abilities on public junior high school teachers throughout Central Jakarta. This study used a survey method with a path analysis approach followed by Sitorem's analysis. The population of this study were all SMP Negeri teachers in Central Jakarta who were civil servants, totaling 1114 teachers. The selected sample amounted to 243 people with the Cochran formula and taken using a proportional random sampling technique The results of this study concluded that: (l ) There is a positive influence of organizational culture on teacher creativity with a value of pyl = 0.237, (2) There is a positive effect of interpersonal communication on teacher creativity with a value of py2 = 0.324, (3) There is a positive influence on personality on teacher creativity with a value of py3 = 0.286, (4) There is a positive influence on the ability of the teacher's creativity with a value of py4=0.324, (5) There is a positive influence of organizational culture on the ability of teachers with a value of p41 = 0.564, (6) There is a positive influence of interpersonal communication on teacher abilities with a value of p42 0.411, (7) There is a positive influence of organizational culture on teacher personality with a value of p31 =0. 608. (8) There is a positive effect of interpersonal
Communication on teacher personality with a value of p32 = 0364, (9) There is a positive influence of organizational culture on teacher interpersonal communication with a value of p21 = = 0.900,
2021DMP011.C1 | 11/ASI/D-MP/2021 | My Library (RDMP) | Tersedia |
2021DMP011.C2 | 11/ASI/D-MP/2021 | My Library (RDMP) | Tersedia |
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