Disertasi MP
Peningkatan Kreativitas Guru Melalui Penguatan Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Teamwork, dan Keterlibatan Kerja (Studi Empiris Menggunakan Analisis Korelasional dan Analisis SITOREM pada Guru Tetap Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kota Madiun)
Teacher creativity is needed to encourage the improvement of the quality of school graduates, so that in the end it will accelerate the achievement of national education goals in Indonesia. This study aims to find strategies and ways to increase teacher creativity to be used as input and recommendations for related parties, namely teachers, school principals, and the office of the ministry of religion. This is done by testing the strength of the relationship between teacher creativity (Y) and transformational leadership (X1), teamwork (X2), and work engagement (X3). Transformational leadership that emphasizes idealized influence, intellectual simulation, inspirational motivation, instructional support, individual consideration, and the influence of moral values from leaders can increase teacher creativity. Teamwork that emphasizes group goals, active participation of members, prioritizing togetherness, communicating with each other, complementing each other, and sharing can increase teacher creativity. Job engagement that emphasizes active participation in work, competence, importance of work, development opportunities, level of performance, and interest in organizational goals can increase teacher creativity. The stronger the transformational leadership, teamwork, work engagement, the more teacher creativity will increase. The results of the research using correlational analysis, 1) there is a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership and teacher creativity with a correlation coefficient value, r2y1 = 0.429; 2) there is a positive and significant relationship between teamwork and teacher creativity with a correlation coefficient, r2y2=0.512; 3) there is a positive and significant relationship between work engagement and teacher creativity with the value of the correlation coefficient, r2y3=0.532. This means that teacher creativity can be increased by strengthening transformational leadership, teamwork, and work engagement. The results of SITOREM's analysis of transformational leadership, teamwork, and work engagement on teacher creativity show that there are indicators that prioritize improvement, namely: complementarity, new ideas, individual consideration, openness to other people's ideas, development opportunities, new ways of solving problems, benefits product, have competence, communicate with each other, develop work, be interested in organizational goals, self-motivated, share each other, level of performance, importance of work. While the indicators that are maintained/developed are: group goals, active participation in work, active participation of members, idealize influence, intellectual stimulation, togetherness, inspirational motivation, instructional support, and the influence of the ethical values of leaders followed by followers.
2022D-MP017.C1 | 17/RAI/D-MP/2022 | My Library (RDMP) | Tersedia |
2022D-MP017.C2 | 17/RAI/D-MP/2022 | My Library (RDMP) | Tersedia |
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