The purpose of this research is to produce strategies and efforts to improve teacher performance (Y) through research variables; transformational leadership (X1), empowerment (X2), innovation (X3),…
Tantangan ke depan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia adalah kemampuan institusi pendidikannya dalam menempatkan diri sejajar dengan universitas-universitas terkemuka di dunia. Dosen merupakan SDM pergu…
Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan masalah yang mempengaruhi seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia di muka bumi tanpa terkecuali, termasuk dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, kondisi tersebut guru dituntut untuk beri…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan upaya meningkatkan inovasi guru dengan meneliti hubungan antara kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dan motivasi berprestasi dengan inovasi guru. M…
The results of this study concluded that: (1) There is a positive direct influence of professional commitment to innovation with a value of yx1 = 0.292, (2) There is a positive direct influen…
Teachers are an important factor in educational organizations and are a core part of the determinants of the success of their students. The teacher should be able to create a learning atmosphere th…
The research aims tofind ways and strategies to improve teacher work innovation bv analyzing the influence ofother variables that influence it. This research uses the Modeling and Optimization of R…
This study aims to find ways and strategies to increase teacher innovation by examining other variables that have a positive effect on teacher innovation. The variables are self-confidence, motivat…