Community reading parks have a role in increasing reading interest. This study measures the level of effectiveness of reading park governance, with the CIPP ( Context, Input, Process, Product ) mod…
A strategic plan is essential for an organization to achieve two critical objectives: making decisions about goals and committing to those decisions. In educational organizations, a strategic plan …
Usually there is no attention with regards to student's or parent’s satisfaction especially for public schools. The aim of this study is to examine how parents' satisfaction levels are influence…
This study aims to evaluate the village assistance program in order to get an overview of efforts to improve, improve and develop PAUD services in Sukabumi Regency which have been carried out from …
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between work motivation and work discipline with employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of Bogor City. The study population was…
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between charismatic leadership, employee personality, and employee performance in PT. Karya Abadi Luhur. The study population was 152 emp…
The purpose of this study was to examine the strengths of the relationship between organizational climate and work motivation and commitment to organization in PT. True Eternal Image. The study pop…
In this research we aim to determine the factors that influence the nurse’ work engagement to be a foundation of knowledge to guide best practice to COVID-19 pandemic healthcare. This review sta…
A systematic literature review aims to determine the challenges and structural ambidexterity in improving the quality of lecturers at Indonesian universities. Articles were selected through a scree…
This study aims to determine the effect of productivity level and attendance to salary. The object of research is the contract labor (TKK) employees at the Bekasi City Education Office. The quantit…
Transformational leadership has been widely implemented. Transformational leadership can be used to achieve organizational commitments. The purpose of this article is to review the correlation betw…
There is a need in the community which is realized by volunteering the community to pay some costs to get the quality education offered, also supported by government regulations that encourage the …
The COVID-19 epidemic has become a significant global obstacle as it has impacted people’s lives in various sectors, including social, economic, and education. To respond to the shock caused to …
This study will explore the improvement of teacher innovativeness through the development of achievement motivation, teamwork, and organizational climate. The study will focus on finding direct or …
This study aims to determine the efforts to improve teacher performance through an examination of the direct influence of transformational leadership, personality, and work motivation variables. Th…