Education is a determining sector for creating complete human beings, namely humans who have balance and intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence in living life. When a person wants to ac…
The research aims tofind ways and strategies to improve teacher work innovation bv analyzing the influence ofother variables that influence it. This research uses the Modeling and Optimization of R…
This study aims to find out and find new strategies and new ways, which can be done to increase the creativity of lecturers at the LP31 Polytechnic by examining more deeply the variables that are d…
Job satisfaction is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored. Long-term oriented organizations are expected to constantly monitor job satisfaction, because job satisfaction affects important things rela…
Abstract. This study aims to find ways and strategies to improve teacher's performance by identifying the strength of the relationship between decision-making variables, learning organizations, and…
Nurse performance is a nurse's activity in implementing as well as possible an authority, duty and responsibility in the context of achieving the goals of the profession's main tasks and the realiz…
Domestic Field Study (KKDN)Program is a curriculum intended to provide Unhan students with additional experience and skills to help them carry out their everyday tasks after graduation. The aim of …