This study aims to analyze the effect of Knowledge Management on ASN Employee Innovation of the Ministry of Transportation. The number of samples in this study were 249 respondents using the slovin…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi dan cara meningkatkan perilaku kerja inovatif guru dengan menganalisis pengaruh variable-variabel lain yang mempengaruhinya. Pendekatan yang diguna…
Tantangan ke depan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia adalah kemampuan institusi pendidikannya dalam menempatkan diri sejajar dengan universitas-universitas terkemuka di dunia. Dosen merupakan SDM pergu…
This quantitative research is a continuation of the qualitative research conducted on 205 private high school teachers on how teacher creativity can be influenced and enhanc…
SITOREM or Scientific Identification Theory for Conducting Operations Research on Education Management is a practical optimization technique used for making decisions on action plans in the field o…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara Team Learning dan Knowledge Sharing dengan Perilaku Kerja Inovatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SD Islam Terpadu di Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Ko…
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional yang terdiri atas dua variabel bebas yaitu Kepribadian dan Knowledge Management serta satu variabel terikat yaitu Kreativitas Guru. Penelitian ini d…
Dalam dunia pendidikan, memperoleh pengetahuan merupakan tujuan dari kegiatan pembelajaran. Pengetahuan yang dimiliki setiap orang merupakan aset yang berharga sehingga perlu dikelola dengan baik m…
Teachers who have high creativity in teaching always take advantage of new information and approaches in teaching so that learning activities take place fun. Creative teachers are encouraged to inn…
Era 4. 0 brought about the impact of changes in all aspects, including individuals who carry out duties as widyaiswara who must improve their achievements and abilities. This problem occurs because…
The study is aimed at producing the way and strategy to improve teacher innovativeness towards the effort of identifying the strength of independent variables, knowledge…
The achievement of goals that are in accordance with the competence of human resources in the field of education or teachers will determine success in learning. As a form of pride for teachers for …