Dissertation entitled "Evaluasi Program Registrasi Tenaga Kesehatan Bidan Berdasarkan Uji Kompetensi Kebidanan". this study is an empirical study using the Cll'P method on alumni of the Midwifery A…
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data empirik dan analisis untuk mengidentifikasi serta mengetahui keterlaksanaan implementasi program serta masalah – masalah substansi dan penting …
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan di SD Islam Al-Azhar 7 Sukabumi Jawa Barat, yang meliputi 1) Tujuan, dasar hukum, dan sasaran program…
The program BlMTEK C-20I3 is a training or guidance curriculum technique 2013 in order to improving the previous curriculum and improve professionalism, creativity, innovation, competence, and qual…
Development of State Defending Awareness (PKBN) is a national program to build awareness of Indonesian citizens to carry out their rights and obligations in defense efforts in accordance with the m…
Madrasah teachers are an important aspect that has an important role in the success of madrasah education. Continuing Professional Development ("PKB") is competency development carried out by teach…
The in-service teacher workload program is an effort to improve the quality of graduates by optimizing the duties and.functions of teachers in carrying out the learning process in madrasas. The tea…
The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical and analytical data, to identify and determine the implementation of the program as well as the substantive and important issues that affect the Con…
PAUD Accreditation Program is an accreditation activity as a process of evaluating the feasibility and performance of schools as an overall event in capturing the real condition of schools compared…