This study aims to find a strategy for improving the performance of Buddhist education teachers at private elementary schools in Banten Province by analyzing the relationship between achievement m…
Guru memiliki peran yang penting dan menempati posisi strategis dan harus bertanggung jawab langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap keberhasilan pendidikan. Guru merupakan komponen yang paling berp…
Kreativitas menjadi suatu tuntutan bagi setiap guru karena hal ini menjadi awal bagaimana guru melahirkan sesuatu yang baru baik berupa gagasan maupun karya nyata, yang relatif berbeda dengan yang …
This study aims to determine the efforts that can be made to improve teacher performance through strengthening organizational culture, emotional intelligence, and compensation for PAUD teachers, es…
Commitment is very typical of the conditions and environment that accompanies an individual. Individuals who are members of an organization will form a commitment to the organization in accordance …
Teacher performance is a factor that underlies various activities in carrying out their duties as educators and instructors. Good teacher performance can improve the effectiveness of the teaching a…
Increasing and maintaining commitment is essential for a leader because commitment to one's behavior has various implications and expectations, helping to eliminate doubts and keep things away whic…
School success is part of the contribution of the principal as a leader who has influence, power and encouragement to his subordinates. The success of the principal has a significant influence on t…
In achieving organizational success, it not only requires qualified and competitive people, but also requires resources who have extra role behaviors which are then referred to as Organizational Ci…