Teacher performance is essential in developing the quality of learning which is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of school graduates in particular and the quality of education mana…
The purpose of this research is to produce strategies and efforts to improve teacher performance (Y) through research variables; transformational leadership (X1), empowerment (X2), innovation (X3),…
Teachers must be able to adapt to existing developments so that students have superior competencies that are able to compete with other nations. Optimization of teacher performance must continue to…
This study aims to find a strategy for improving the performance of Buddhist education teachers at private elementary schools in Banten Province by analyzing the relationship between achievement m…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan upaya-upaya konkret dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru berdasarkan kajian terhadap pengaruh antara: (1) kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap kinerja guru (2…
Teacher performance is a very important element in achieving educational goals. The preliminary survey shows that the current performance of Muaro Jambi District High School teachers is not as expe…
This study aims to determine the efforts that can be made to improve teacher performance through strengthening organizational culture, emotional intelligence, and compensation for PAUD teachers, es…
This study aims to find new ways and stratigies to improve teacher performance by examining variabel related to performance. The variables studied were visionary leadership, learning organization, …
Teachers play a central role in the teaching and learning process, for that the quality of education in a school is largely determined by the abilities of a teacher in carrying out their duties. Th…
In general, the purpose of this study is to analyze the improvement of teacher performance through identifying the strength of direct and indirect influence between transformational leadership, emp…
This study aims to determine the relationship between independent variables: organizational culture, transformational leadership and work motivation both individually and together with the …
The purpose of this study was to discover some effective efforts to increase Teacher’s performance by researching the relationship between variables related to it, which are Teacher’s Self-Conc…
Teacher performance is literally the main root to achieve the education aim, that is to educate the nation life. From the beginning survey absolutely seems that teacher performance, especially the …
Teacher performance is a factor that underlies various activities in carrying out their duties as educators and instructors. Good teacher performance can improve the effectiveness of the teaching a…
This research was conducted in an effort to improve teacher performance by conducting research on variables related to improving teacher performance. The related variables are organizational climat…
Education is a determining sector for creating complete human beings, namely humans who have balance and intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence in living life. When a person wants to ac…
This study aims to measure efforts to improve teacher performance through examining the direct influence of transformational leadership, personality, and work motivation variables. 170 people were …
This study aims to determine the efforts to improve performance through a study of the direct influence of the variables of empowerment, transformational leadership, creativity, and trust. The sele…
Teacher performance is teacher behavior related to responsibilities in professional assignments, planning and preparing for teaching, preparing material to be taught to students, designing teaching…
Teachers are professional educators who have the task of educating, teaching, guiding, training, and assessing. Teachers are required to have the ability to explore the potential of students in var…