Teacher performance is essential in developing the quality of learning which is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of school graduates in particular and the quality of education mana…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi dan cara meningkatkan perilaku kerja inovatif guru dengan menganalisis pengaruh variable-variabel lain yang mempengaruhinya. Pendekatan yang diguna…
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional yang terdiri atas dua variabel bebas yaitu Kepribadian dan Knowledge Management serta satu variabel terikat yaitu Kreativitas Guru. Penelitian ini d…
High engagement lecturers will show commitment, enthusiasm, and persistence to achieve excellent competence that is crucial to catch up with education goals. Unfortunately, the preliminary study in…
This study aims to determine the relationship between independent variables: innovation, effectiveness of training and personality both individually and together with the dependent variable, namely…
Lecturers have a crucial role in the implementation of education in Higher Education. Lecturers are required to think creatively and act very innovative as a determinant of the quality of Higher Ed…
This study aims to determine the relationship between independent variables: achievement motivation, empowerment and personality both individually and together with the dependent variable, namely t…
Teacher performance is a very important element in achieving educational goals. The preliminary survey shows that the current performance of Muaro Jambi District High School teachers is not as expe…
This study aims to find solutions in increasing commitment to the profession by identifying the strength of the relationship between transformational leadership, personality, and trust with commitm…